A week back in London and it already seems like a distant dream. The only remedy? A little bit of reminiscing... We had such a super fun time - a holiday full to the brim of indulgence, laughter and relaxation. I sadly, had my beach bag stolen whilst away (boo hiss) which means that my SLR and all my photos were also swiped, so I don't have as many memories to share with you all as I'd hoped. However, the girls have rallied their cameras and phones together and we've collated a scrapbook of special moments between us.
So what does two weeks in paradise consist of?
It all starts with having a base fit for four holiday-loving princesses. We luckily have family friends who own an apartment in Speightstown on the West Coast of Barbados so each time we go back we return to the same picturesque spot. It really is such a gorgeous space with everything and anything you could possibly need in an apartment let alone a holiday rental. Details here if you're interested.
Kicking back at the yacht club, drinking in the flawless 360 degree stunner of a view with the only heavy lifting being propping our heads up so that that we can sip Piper champagne whilst reclining on our loungers...
Happily trialling the local delicacies - Banks beer and rotis. The beer of Barbados and curried chicken and potatoes encased in a buttery wrap of deliciousness. Best enjoyed under the shade of a palm tree, looking out at a killer view...
It really is an absolute treat in every way...
We only ventured over to Crane twice as it's on the South-East of the island and about a 40 min drive from where we were staying. Both times we got up at the crack of dawn to make the most of the day ahead. The hours were spent mostly reclining with fresh coconuts in hand served up to us upon request by a Bajan beach waiter! You could choose between a booze-laden nut or the coco virgin variety! Then, as soon as your order's placed, the attentive Coconut Man would scurry on up the beach, scale a palm, collect your fresh coconut and Bob's your uncle – tree-fresh deliciousness delivered to you by hand with a cherry on top (literally)! Utter bliss!
Fully embracing the national sport of Barbados… cricket! You may be thinking how much do these four girly girls know about cricket and why oh why would they spend a whole day which could otherwise be spent working on their tans watching a match? My thoughts exactly BUT it was England’s first test match against the West Indies and we had been told there were tickets up for grabs in the party stand… sold! So off we trotted early doors to bag ourselves a spot.
Honestly, the game was slow and England played embarrassingly so but the Banks beer was flowing, the sun was shining and the uber-competitive party stand banter between the two camps provided much entertainment and fun. In summary – a real experience and we got to work on our tan in the process – win win!
Dining out like a pack of ravenous dogs! In summary, I've never eaten so well in my life! We had a mutual joke on holiday that the only taxing question we had to ask ourselves each day was ‘what are you wearing tonight?’ We would spend our days doing pretty much nothing, so in the evenings we would spring into life Bella from Twilight style! We would mix our evenings up to cover all bases, some of our favourites included…
Dressed to impressed we enjoyed cocktails galore and alfresco dining at new kid on the block, Cin Cin By The Sea...

Rum Sours and dancing at The Lime Bar - it may be slap bang in the middle of a high-end shopping complex but after dark it's the place to be seen...
The mention of the above over-indulgence and luxury brings me onto my last boastful story involving a boat, champagne and a killer
sunset. The night we ventured to The Mews for dinner we were invited for a
post-meal nightcap by the owner himself. Plentiful rounds of espresso Martinis later we were kindly invited to join the owner, Chris, on his boat the following afternoon!
How could we refuse? A personal highlight from the holiday for sure - gorgeous company with lots of
chatter and laughter coupled with Champagne, a spot of swimming and all topped off
with the most spectacular sunset to end the day...
BEST HOLIDAY EVER - the countdown to our next trip begins now!
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