We've all survived another week, and now a couple of long, languid weekend days of freedom stretch before us. Oh, and Hong Kongers, let's get a double whoop for that extra day of weekend deliciousness we're getting on Monday courtesy of the Brits handing HK back to the Chinese - I heart Hong Kong's neverending bank holidays!
The general theme in Miceland this week appears to be that if summer won't come to us, we'll have to go to summer... Mini Mouse zipped off to Portugal on Thursday and I'm off to Fiji tomorrow in search of some sun. Poor old Middle Mouse will be holding the fort while we're away, but we'll be thinking of her while we laze in our holiday hammocks...
When we haven't been smugly gloating to anyone who'll listen (and lots of people with their fingers in their ears), this week the Mice have mostly been...
Getting all wrapped up in stunning scarfs at the launch party of Era Ora's second collection of scarfs and pocket squares.
It's no secret that us Mice have a bit of a scarf obsession and we've discovered this week that we're pretty keen on pocket squares too... It seems a pop of silk tucked into the top pocket of a man's blazer makes him infinitely more George Clooney-esque and it just so happens that a pocket square doubles nicely as a neckerchief/ ponytail accessory/ makeshift bracelet for us... win, win!
So we were thrilled this week to discover the super fab, Era Ora, a Singaporean accessories label specialising in printed silk and cashmere scarfs and pocket squares. The new collection is inspired by creator and founder, Euny L's, travels with a bit of a surrealist twist, think old world maps and Dali meets Georgia O'Keeffe art prints. Let's just say from the second we clapped our eyes on the collection we were carefully planning how to get our mitts on every single piece!

We toasted the new collection on Thursday evening with champagne and cocktails at Boujis and left with a very, very long Era Ora wishlist...
If you want to bag yourself some Era Ora gorgeousness (frankly, who wouldn't?!) you can buy the new collection from various stockists in Singapore and Hong Kong (check the website for details) and for everyone else, everywhere else, visit the online store at www.eraorashop.com.
We arrived and were ushered into a cosy private room complete with some lethally beautiful steak knife chandeliers glinting in the candle-light above our heads...
We ate family style, sharing several starters and main courses between us. Each and every dish was mind-blowingly good but my favourites were the burrata and tomato salad and the veal cheek, sweet breads and truffle orzo. This is true comfort food - guaranteed to leave you groaningly well-fed! As we scraped our plates clean, the fashion goss recommenced with the ocassional short Instagram/Twitter/FB break...
We finished our feast on a sweet note with maple syrup tart and sugar whipped cream before rolling back down the stairs and onto Hollywood Road - Sassy girls are very clearly not buying into the "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" mantra...
I hear rumours that the truffle fries are life-changing. Nothing for it, a second date with this meaty hunk of a restaurant already in the diary...
Blue Butcher
108 Hollywood Road,
Central District,Hong Kong.
Phone: +852 2613 9286
Website: www.bluebutcher.com
Stopping to smell the roses... and the hydraengas... and the sea holly at my new favourite HK florists, Ellermann.
Nothing makes me happier than fresh flowers scattered around my flat - they brighten even the drabbest, dreariest days and make the house smell amazing. Until this week I'd always grabbed my Hong Kong blooms from the market and then cobbled together a pretty amateur hash of an arrangement as best I could. Gone are those days! This week I popped into Hong Kong flower boutique, Ellermann, a gorgeous little shop in Poho bursting at the seams with stunning flowers and candy coloured Pip Studio homeware. Floral fans this is absolute heaven and I warn you is likely to be your undoing...
Four days on, and my flowers are still going strong. Ellermann may be a bit more pricey than the market stalls but it's the perfect spot to pick up a present (which obviously includes self-gifting...). And I'm definitely heading back very soon for one of those teapots...
Ground Floor, 36 Tung Street,
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2291 0388
Website: www.ellermanndesign.com
Scraping by on minimal sleep after developing a pretty chronic addiction to the awesome Netflix TV series, House of Cards. Yes, I'm well aware that I'm about six hundred years behind everyone else on this one, but given that I've only just discovered Homeland, I'd say I'm actually relatively ahead of the curve for me. With a stellar cast (Kevin Spacey is incredible) and nail-bitingly good storylines, it's pretty much impossible to press the pause button once you start watching. If you've been living under a rock or are equally slow as me at catching on to a good thing, I command you to get watching immediately!
And that's all from us this week! All that remains to be said is - let's get the weekend rolling baby...
The Mice