This all changed on Thursday when team 3BM did a little team work and we excitingly finalised our New Year trip to Paris! Mini's first ever visit, lots of shopping and eating to be done and hopefully a New Year never to forget! If anyone has any Parisian gems and you fancy letting us in on the secret, PLEASE email / tweet / Facebook us and they'll be added to the no doubt HUGE itinerary!
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When we weren't weeping about stressful work dilemmas, dreaming of being a Gold-winning athlete or jumping for joy Parisian style, the mice have mostly been...
Getting Snipped at the painstakingly cool Pimps & Pinups hairdressers in East London, Shoreditch - Middle Mouse recently scoped out the boutique salon after realising she was in dire need of some emergency root attention! When you walk in, the space instantly takes you back to 1950s Hollywood with stylish old fashioned barbers' chairs, bulb studded mirrors and industrial oversized fans. The pièce de résistance being a blazing statement 'Pimps & Pinups' light installation logo plastered across the back wall - attention grabbing in the right way! Not only is the salon cool inside and out but the stylists are spot on - ask for Lorenzo, he's a miracle worker! Last but not least, following the success of the London Salon, Pimps & Pinups has opened a location in New York - I wonder where's next on the P&P map? HK Mouse is campaigning for Hong Kong...

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Frantically wishing away the week so I can get to my favourite day of the month…pay day! I will finally be free to shop, drink and eat without feeling the guilt ….well for at least 24 hours! The day has come, not only is it Friday but I am out of my overdraft eeeeeeek (cue my mortgage and MasterCard direct debits to put me right back into the red...)! Dinner and cocktails this evening and a serious Internet shopping spree has been scheduled in for tomorrow! Whilst writing my shopping 'Wish List' this week I came across some Mawi beauties! Chunky, gold, bright and beautiful…one day in my life I MUST own a piece!!!
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Dragging Birthday celebrations out just a little bit more... This weekend I'm sharing some belated Birthday celebrations with my school days bestie - Charlie, and all our closest girlies! I have a feeling it will be carnage…we're kicking off with a Prosecco Brunch at Bunga Bunga and then heading for cocktails….girls and unlimited procsecco from 2pm can never be a good thing….we'll report back next week…that's if I'm still alive to relay the tales….!!!
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And finally...a feel good song to kick off your weekend of partying, cocktails, Olympics farwells and general FUN...
Enjoy, The Mice xx
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