We hate Sundays.
We'd almost go so far as to say that they're worse than Mondays.
We know it's ridiculous, Sunday's a day off. It's half the weekend. It's supposed to be the day of rest. In reality though, we spend all day Sunday usually a little bit hungover and tired, feeling sad that the weekend's almost finished and generally dreading the week ahead.
Maybe we're being a little melodramatic, sometimes Sundays are lazy and lovely and usually the week's not half as bad as it feels like it's going to be at about six o'clock on a Sunday night. We're totally aware though that something has to change. We can't spend a seventh of the week for the rest of our lives feeling a little bit down. So the new Mice Mission is to make Sunday into the very best day of the week. Cram it full of our favourite things and try to put a more positive spin on the week ahead. Let's face it, this could be the week we find the perfect jeans, win the lottery or that Ryan Gosling falls in love with us...
If like us, you're predisposed to the Sunday Blues, here's some glass half full thinking, some perfect day inspiration and a recipe for killer guacamole - serve with a great film and some tracksuit bottoms, the perfect Sunday night snack...

Images via: www.pinterest.com
Killer Guacamole
(Serves a group of normal people or two greedy piglets)
2 avocados
1 lime
Salt & Pepper
Chopped red chili (optional)
- Peel and roughly chop your avocados, add to mixing bowl.
- Squeeze your lime over the avocado (picking out any stray pips).
- Chop coriander (and chili if you're using) and add to the bowl.
- Mash avocado mixture until you have your desired guacamole consistency (I like mine a bit rustic).
- Add salt & pepper to taste.
- Serve with tortilla chips or pitta and a big glass of wine!
Here's one we made earlier and served as part of a Sunday night feast in front of the TV...
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